Thursday, January 31, 2008

Welcome to Room 12!

Welcome to another year at Riverdale School! I'm really excited about a fresh, new year, a different year level and some bright new faces.
Room 12 will be a class for thinking, responsible and creative people this year. Our overall class goals will be to become reflective, self-directed learners this year. We will be spending some weeks exploring what this means and I'm sure the students will have more to share about this as the days go by.
I will be using this blog as our launching pad for online learning and as a way to connect with all those who support our students outside the classroom - at home and abroad. If you are reading this on a printable copy the URL address is:
This would be a great site to link as a favourite or bookmark. We hope that you visit it regularly.
Some nuts and bolts detail:
- Stationary is not required until week 2
- Our swimming days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and we have a team swimming day on Friday.
- Our school Duathlon will be in week 3, 21 February. You could be training for that now!
- My school email is Please contact me with any questions or quiries. I am always here to talk to before and after school, unless I have a duty or meeting. I always value the time to speak with caregivers and maintain that link with the students at home.
I hope you're looking forward to a fantastic year - as much as I am!
Mr Herring

Monday, January 28, 2008

Who is Room 12's Teacher?

My name is Mr Herring (or Mark, if you are old enough to get married or have a drivers license!).
I am married to Carol and we have four girls; Grace - 7, Abbi - 5, Mia - 2 and Anika - 9mths.
I LOVE being a teacher and anything to do with learning....and I can earn a living doing it!
I also love being outside and making any excuse to be there. That includes mountain biking, hiking, running and all sorts of sports - especially frisbee!
I can't wait to see what will happen in Room 12 this year!

What did you do in the holidays?