Thursday, February 28, 2008

Swimming Stars

Here are some students showing their skills. We have been learning about style in the water, using long legs and 'squeezing our ears'!

We're getting fit!

We are training for our cross country next term and are working hard on our fitness every morning. We run around the field, trying to pace ourselves for 10 minutes, and count the number of cones we pass. This data is graphed in our maths books.
12Most of us have seen an improvement in only two weeks. It's already a great feeling!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Art Landscape

Use this link to find our image to draw. Don't forget to mark your canvas with foreground, middle ground and background. We will spend a few weeks adding the detail to this landscape.

Lake picture

Writing an argument

In your group;
Use this link to explore the success criteria of a great argument.
Too Much TV!
What makes this a good piece of persuasion? List 5 things.
Make a list of success criteria.
On your own;
What do you think about this argument?
Do a brainstorm of your arguments based on the brace map format - use the persuasion map online format but write this in your book. (You will find this in the label - writing!)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Funny Video

Here's a video that Dom found. He sent the link to my email. Once you have viewed it there are links to more videos underneath.

Self Reflection - Week 4

This weeks question is based on our A. Indicator focus - Problem Solving

- What is a problem solver?
- What do they look and sound like?
- Are you a great problem solver? Describe a situation that you have been as an example.
- What can you do to be a better problem solver?

Use the thinking chart (the shadow on the window) to refresh your memory!


This week our Tri Teams are going to create a podcast with the research they have collected about their quotes. We can use this website; 'Podcasting in Education', to find out more.
It has some cool examples of some student podcasts, some info for teachers and parents and the links to the software we are going to use to create them. (It has a lot of media files and takes awhile to load)

Visit this link to hear an example of a 'grade 6' (9-10 year olds) class podcast. They sound like they have had a great time making them

Homework Challenge Week 4

This week we are learning how to use the independent spelling activity on Wicked.
Use this link and follow the steps.

Choose 10 words to practise and learn (make sure they are words that you need to practise!). If the words are too easy, pick the most difficult ones. They could be ones with apostrophes.

Write a draft story at the end using your words. Copy this story into your homework book and underline the spelling words you practised.

Don't forget to use our L.O login and password that you have in your homework books!

Twicky twelve!

Where are you? Email Mr Herring with answer for S100

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Week 3 Highlights!

We've started our numeracy groups this week and for a few weeks we'll be focusing on adding numbers. This group is learning how to use our doubles as a quick strategy. Ask your student which strategies they have been learning. Do you know what using your fives, and rounding and compensating is?

Congratulations to all the atheletes who had a go at the Duathlon on Thursday! It was great to see your determination and 'grit' to do your best. Congratulations, Robert! He won his race in a fantastic run, bike, run that blew his competitors away!

Don't forget to research the meanings for your Tri Team quotes. You can find the quotes by clicking on 'Tri Teams' in the labels links. Make sure your ask as many people as you can and record their answers in some way!

Qoutes for Tri Team Task

'A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable but more useful than a life spend doing nothing.' George Bernard Shaw

It is not so important to have all the answers as to be hungry for them.' Carol Ann Tomlinson

'If everyone is thinking alike then somebody is not thinking.'
George S Paton

To live a creative life we must lose our fear of being wrong.'
Joseph Chillons Pearce

'Intelligence is knowing what to do when you don't know what to do.'
Art Costa

Know how - can do'. 'Don't know how - but will give it ago.'
Extended 'Place Makers Motto' by Bruce Hammonds

You miss 100% of all the shots you never take,'

Wayne Gretsky Ice Hockey 12Coach

The major difference between the 'best' and the 'average' is that the 'best' get as much pleasure from practice as performance.' Ben Zander

Can't travel far to draw cool landscapes?

Use this link to have a selection of landscapes to draw. Choose one that has something in the foreground, middle ground and background so that you can practise perspective.
Landscapes 2.0

Qnited Kingdom - Positions Vacant!

Congratulations to the succesful candidates. Those jobs still needing to be filled are listed in red. Please apply for these by Tuesday 26th Feb (by email).

Banking Employment

Q Controller S50.00 - Ruby J
• Advise Teacher on all the matters relating to Quiddage.
• Supervise Payroll and Banking.
• Assist Payroll and Bank staff where required.
• Report status of Payroll, accounting and banking to Teacher on request.
• Ensure all the bank jobs are completed accurately and Teacher efficiently.
• Help train Gringots bank Manager.
• Assist (where necessary) in training of Gringots staff.
• Refine Q Note banking and withdrawal systems in conjunction with
Teacher and the Gringots bank manager.
• Revise and improve banking systems in conjunction with Gringots bank.

Gringots bank manager S45.00 - Rebecca
• Learn and understand QNote banking and withdrawal systems
• Revise and improve banking systems in conjunction with Q controller, chief accountant, chief payroll officer and head teller.
• Train Gringots bank staff
Chief Accountant S35.00
• Learn and understand QNote banking and withdrawal system
• Revise and improve banking systems
• Supervise accountants
• Make up fair weekly timetables for accountants on market days
• Ensure banking is always kept up to date
• make sure any banking is organised and tidied up before leaving
• check and double check for accuracy of banking
• Work confidently

Gringots Bank Accountants S25 - Sarah, Callum
• Learn to operate the Gringots computerized banking systems
• Set up accounts for all Qnited Kingdomers and all businesses
• enter payroll information
• enter deposits and withdrawals in personal and businesses
• calculate equal division of busyness profits and losses
• calculate tax
• work confidently
• fill in statements for Qnited Kingdomers and businesses of their account balances regularly

Chief Bank Teller S30.00 - Ruby A
• Make sure there are plenty of QNotes, withdrawal and deposit slips
• Get the QNotes out and put them away at the end of each market day
• Check with
Teacher, and then print off withdrawal and deposit slips if required. Notify Teacher if QNotes are required
• Supervise tellers
• Make sure customer service is excellent
• Make up fair weekly timetables for tellers on Quiddage market days

Gringots Bank Tellers S20.00 - Samuel
• Distribute Q Notes to bank clients when presented with withdrawal slips
• Assist clients with banking when necessary
• Keep counter and withdrawal/deposit slips orderly
• Help to process deposits and withdrawal slips

Chief Payroll Officer S20.00 - Erin
• Keep an up to date computerised record of all salaries
• Train payroll staff
• Supervise payroll staff
• Help payroll staff where required
• Check the work of payroll staff to ensure accuracy
• Ensure payroll salaries forms are completed fortnightly
• Ensure there are sufficient payroll forms
• Work confidently

Payroll Officers S15.00 - Samuel
• Collect Quiddage totals from classroom white board each Friday
• Write the totals neatly on a class list and hand to the bank manager
• Calculate salaries fortnightly enter information on payroll forms, hand to chief payroll officer

Business Manager S10.00 - Erin
• Design a spread sheet for entering business names and business partners
• Keep an up to date record of all the businesses and business owners
• Give frequent updates to Gringots bank manager
• Collect business setup fees from new businesses owners and hand to
• Keep all business applications

Publisher S10.00
• Design a spread sheet for keeping track of Quiddage related printing jobs
• Agree on costs with
Teacher and Q Controller (S5-colour, S1-b&w)
• Ensure people report any printing to you
• invoice business owners on a regular basis
• Remuneration: 50-50 split between publisher and

Caterer S10.00 - Samuel
• Make lunch box available on the sink bench on lunch delivery days (usually Fridays)
• At the end of roll call, ask the class if there are any further orders
• Take the lunch orders to the office, or if there are none, let office staff knows
• collect the lunches from the lunches van at the car park
• Distribute the lunches
• Return lunch box to the van

Chair Leader S20 - Sarah
• Put chairs down in the morning.
• Grott students who leave their chairs out, thereby blocking others from passing their desks
• Put grotts directly onto board list
• add amounts grotted to your tally

Checklist Charlie S15.00 - Stephanie
• Collect completed work, making sure it is all oriented the same way
• Peg the work together and store it in a box in the resource room
• Mark returned forms off on a class checklist
• Remind students who haven’t completed tasks or returned slips / forms
• Report to
Teacher when required

Climate Control s10.00 - Mitchell
• Open the windows at the start of the day
• Open or close windows during the day as required
• learn (from
Teacher) how to operate gas heater
• If required, open extra windows and doors (and close them at the end of the day)

Communications Consultant S10.00 - Mitchell
• Deliver messages or other items to other parts of the school quickly without fuss
• Pick up messages or other items as required

Computer Help Desk (chief) S15.00 - Shaun
• *Find out what strengths help desk people have
• *Make a chart (on computer) for Qnited Kingdomers to refer to

Maxit - Computer Help Desk S10.00 - Andre, Diana, Samuel, Taylor, Shaun
• Undergo and pass training course
• Assist computer users when required

Distribution Agent (chief) S15.00 - Zain
• Receive items for distribution; give equally to other distribution agents
• Assist with distribution
• Redistribute answer sheets when required
• Receive collected items from distribution team
• Place in neat pile where requested
• work quickly and efficiently to ensure minimal time wastage

Distribution Agents S10.00 - Zain and Duncan
• Receive handouts from chief distribution agent and distribute to Qunited Kingdomers
• Collect items from Qnited Kingdomers and hand to chief distribution agent

Encouragers S10.00 - S15.00 (depending on effectiveness) - Shaun
• Look out for reasons and ways to support and encourage Q nited Kingdomers
• Keep watch for any Qunited Kingdomers who may be feeling sad. Find ways to cheer them up.

(E.S.P) Environmental Spy Person. S5.00 (see below) Mais
• Check to see that all shoes are put neatly outside (in pairs, against the wall)
• Check that all bags are closed, that they are hung on hooks or placed neatly against the wall
• check that no rollerblades, scooters or skateboards are left outside the classroom
• payment shall be S5 if any students are caught not following theses systems - This will be taken from the board chart of the offending student and added directly to your tally

Health Officer S5.00 - Stephanie
• Get a bandage or icepack for people in need
• Return the icepack 15 minutes later

Librarian (Chief) S10.00 - Andre
• Supervise and assist librarians
• Follow up over due books

Librarians S5.00 - Kris and Justice
• Locate and issue topic books for
Teacher or class
• Arrange topic books on classroom library shelf
• Keep library shelf tidy
• Return and shelve classroom books as required

Mr or Miss Staple S10.00 - Justice
• Staple, pin or tape work around the classroom as required
• Maintain displayed work by re-stapling etc. when necessary
• Remove wall displays
• Distribute the items to their owners

Music Roadie S5.00 - Dominic
• Get
Teacher's guitar when required
• Take it to school singing, assemblies, Hui whano ECT…if needed
• Put the guitar away

N.P (notices person) S5.00
• collect returned notices
• Keep a list of who has returned their notices, along with details such as parent helpers etc.
• Check to see who hasn’t returned theirs, and remind them after roll call

Odd Jobber S5.00 - Mitchell
• Perform odd jobs as required

Police Chief S20.00 - Ruby A
• Make up Police ID badge
• Be the person cases are reported to
• Make up case report book
• Train police to fill out case reports
• Supervise the police force
• Report case outcomes to
Teacher when required

Police S10.00 - Samuel, Zain
• Solve police cases allocated to you by the police chief
• Interview witnesses and suspects
• Report findings to the police chief
• Fill in a case report for each investigation
• Keep your eyes open for any time in Qnited Kingdom

Mad Hatter - Taylor
• Grott (S2) anyone who wears their hat inside Qnited Kingdom. Take from their tally and add directly to yours

Ball Bouncer - Taylor
• Grott (S2) anyone who sits / plays on the ball without earning it

"Qnited Kingdom Blog" Editor S50.00 per 5 posts - Rebecca
• Edit the Qnited Kingdom Blog - To be named...
• Be responsible for journalists
• Write articles for the Q Zealand Times

"Qnited Kingdom Blog" Journalist S10.00 per post accepted - Sarah
• Write articles for the Q Zealand Times

"Qnited Kingdom Blog" Photographer S2.50 for each picture accepted - Duncan
• Take photos for the
"Qnited Kingdom Blog", using the digital camera

"Qnited Kingdom Blog" Accountant S5.00
• Keep track of pay for Q Zealand Times staff and Qnited Kingdom who have articles accepted
• Notify chief payroll officer monthly
• Send accounts out to advertises

Chief Technician S35.00 - Andre
• Be familiar with technical equipment (radio, TV, data projector, cameras, sound system, microphone and microphone stand)
• Set up and put away any technical equipment, including for other classes when required
• Train the apprentice/s

Apprentice Technicians S10.00 Maxit Team
• Assist the Chief Technician

Sports Resource Guys S5.00 - Kris and Caitlyn
• Get P.E. Gear for classroom use
• Setup sports and fitness activities as required
• Return gear to correct places in the P.E. Shed
• Tidy P.E Shed (S20 per lunchtime tidy up to once a week)

Miss/Mr Clean it S30.00 - Robert and Mais
• Clean-up jobs around the classroom

Art advisors S20.00 per art session - Taylor, Caitlyn
• Setup/pack up Art equipment
• Frame and name art works when needed
• Help Teacher put art on the wall
• Hand out art to its owners when it comes down from the wall

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Are you a Problem Solver?

Our A.I focus for this week is 'Problem Solving'. We decided that the keys to being a great P.S are:
- Think sensibly before you act on the problem,
- Ask others for help,
- Think of some solutions,
- Make a decision and act on it!
A thought provoking question for parents (myself included) is to reflect on how often we solve the problems FOR our children. I usually find it faster and easier to solve my daughters problems rather than take the time to train her to do this herself!
Qnited Kingdom is going to strive to be better problem solvers! It should make us better 'Independent learners'
If you are interested in reading more about the 'Autonomous Learner' and how this idea can benefit students, click on this link about an 'E-fellow's' experiences in a year 3/4 class
E-fellows 2005

Monday, February 18, 2008

Writing focus - Persuasion!

We can use this graphic organiser to plan our persuasive writing. Go through the steps that will help you in the 'pre-writing' phase that we learnt about last week!

Cycling Rules - Did you know?

The Senior Skyscrapers are having some cycling safety training with Constable Emily. Today we had a road theory lesson and tomorrow we'll be having a practical lesson on our bikes! Don't forget to bring your bike to school!
DID YOU KNOW? - all children under 10 should be riding their bikes on the road with adult supervision! All children over 10 can be on the road without an adult with them. This is because footpaths are too unsafe for cyclists!


Here's a cool site to visit when you're bored at home...that never happens???

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Scholastic Explorers!

This website is an interactive reading source for students. I'd like you to have a look, with Miss Oliver, and try one of the activities.
Put todays date at the top. Read the article, follow the directions for the activity and write this in your literacy book.
Complete another one if you have finished. Before the bell goes (5mins before?) I'd like you to tell me what you think of this website and whether you would like to add this to our list of independent reading activities. Answer these q's.
- Does the subject matter interest you?
- Are the words okay to read?
- Do the activities help you learn some literacy skills? Why / why not?

Have some FUN!

Reading activities

This website is an interactive reading source for students. I'd like you to have a look, with Miss Oliver, and try one of the activities.
Put todays date at the top. Read the article, follow the directions for the activity and write this in your literacy book.
Complete another one if you have finished. Before the bell goes (5mins before?) I'd like you to tell me what you think of this website and whether you would like to add this to our list of independent reading activities. Answer these q's.
- Does the subject matter interest you?
- Are the words okay to read?
- Do the activities help you learn some literacy skills? Why / why not?

Have some FUN!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Find the 'twicky 12'!

There is a 'twicky 12' hidden somewhere in this blog. You will find it somewhere in the text of the posts (in the last two weeks). The first person to find it and tell me where will win 100 snidges! - email me with the answer...
Congratulations Stephanie! You were the first to email me with the answer - on Sunday night!

Week 3 A.I Focus

This weeks focus is on Problem Solving. We will be exploring how this skill helps us be an independent learner! What do you think it looks and sounds like? What could be our keys for this A.I?

Week 3 Self Reflection Question

Don't forget to write this question into your homework book and follow with your answers. Type this below last weeks reflection and save it in your S.R folder.

How well do you co-operate with others?
Think about your Tri Team last week and how well your team co-operated. Make a comment about each of the four 'Keys' to co-operating positively with others. These are the keys that we created last week and are listed on the wall above the A.I focus for last week.

eg; make a comment about how well you
- listened to everybody
- included everybody in the task
- encouraged people
- agreed on things together
What could you do better?

Homework - Week 3

Well done to everyone for coming to grips with our homework last week. We are working through 'teething' problems with dial-up issues and problem with media browsers. Some students are having problems with the 'challenge' part of the homework. Let's keep talking!

This weeks homework involves your self selected reading (and filling in the log) and your spelling lists should be up and running this (12) week. We are still preparing your basic facts ladder and this should begin in week 4.

Homework Challenge - Week 3!
This weeks reading focus starts to explore, 'What good readers do'. We are starting with -'They think about what they are reading!' This can mean that we make pictures in our heads.

This week we are using a 'Learning Object' that the NZ Ministry of Education has developed. It teaches us about how words can mean different things for different people. (Click on the picture) Go through all the activities and answer these questions in your homework books;

1. Choose one poem /story and draw a picture (or series of pictures) that matches. Include 5 labels on your drawing that relates to a word in the text.
eg, draw a snake and label, 'crooked' on the bend in its spine.

On Monday we will compare our pictures!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Class News Flash!

Wow! What a busy week. Even though this pictures shows an empty class it has been a real, 'get things done' week.

Here are some highlights of the last 5 days.
- Ruby J and Rebecca have been selected as our Cabinet Ministers. Ruby A and Alex have been voted as the student councilors for our class! Congratulations!
- We have voted for a class name and, drum roll please,...........Qnited Kingdom is our new name. We will make a flag and a sign to go in our window.
- We are making some progress towards our Tri Team task about the learning quotes. Our next step is to gather information about what our quotes mean from our friends and family! We hope to make our research into some short podcasts and put them on the blog!
- Next week we will be applying for jobs in the classroom. This is how we will earn 'Snidges' for our market days.
- Don't forget to finish your self reflection and type it up at school by Monday lunchtime.
I hope you're all getting outside this weekend and enjoying the outdoors!
Mr Herring

By popular demand - landscapes!

This video, one of a series of landscape vids, has been posted by request! It shows the techniques we are learning - perspective, shape and pencil techniques. After the video has played it will show links to other similar videos.

First step in perspective!

Use this link to learn how to use 'perspective' in our sketches. This will helps us draw landscapes when we go outside next week!

Ultimate Frisbee

We're learning how to get better at, 'Ultimate Frisbee'. It's a game like netball only with a flying disk and you have to catch it over the line to score! Have a look at some of these pros in action!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Observational Drawing

Here's an example of our first attempt to, 'draw what you can see'. We are going to learn how to sketch using observational drawing techniques.
On Monday we sat under a tree and drew a view of the junior playground. This is Andre's attempt. He has a very good grasp of 3-d drawing and an eye for detail already!
If you click on the pic it will get bigger!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

How do we answer the Self Reflection Questions???

Answer the question with as much detail and thought as you can. Write this in your homework book as your first draft.
Type this into a word document. You could do this at home and email it to school with our class address.
Or you could do this during S.D.L time and save it in your self reflection folder.
It is to be completed before the next Monday or it will be a Lunch time task!
Thinking about your thinking! - METACOGNITION (This weeks 'Impress your Mum' word!)

Week 2 Self Reflection Question

Are you an 'A' Learner?
Tell me what you think this means - in a great sentence.
How well do you manage your own learning? What could you get better at this year? - Have a look at the Autonomy Indicators to give you some ideas!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Homework - Week 2/Term1

This is the first week of Homework for 2008! Hurray!
The home work that is ALWAYS expected for our class is
- Self selected reading - You should be reading at least 20 minutes each evening and recording the books that you read in the reading log (in the back of your literacy book).
- Basic facts practice - You will be given a basic facts ladder that records your progress. Parents and students should work together to master each stage and move up at their pace.
- Spelling - you will select AT LEAST 10 words a week to learn before Friday each week. These words will start from the 'Essential List' for this year. It is encouraged that you will learn more than the minimum requirement and progress at your OWN pace. (This is part of being an 'Autonomous Learner'.

You will also be set a 'Homework Challenge' that will be posted on this blog each Monday. It will mostly involve an online link which will be posted in this label.
If you don't have access to the net at home you are encouraged to use the Library computers at lunch or the class computers before, during lunch or after school. Please see Mr Herring if you are concerned or have any questions about this.
Week 2 Challenge
This week we will start to refresh our memories with the writing process. To get us 'kick started' link to this site;
It's an educational site with lots of videos and activities about school subjects. This link takes you to a writing process video. Watch the video and take the 'pop-quiz'. You should take the 'graded' quiz and write the full questions and answers in your homework book. Head up the title, 'Week 2 Challenge - Writing Process'.
We will go over the process (including your answers) next Monday. Don't forget that you can 'cheat' by checking your answers on the site - this is called "instant feedback!"
Have fun!

Friday, February 8, 2008

New TRI TEAM Challenge!

The TRI TEAMS have a new task for weeks 2&3. It follows the inquiry process we have talked about last week.

Select a quote about learning to investigate and present!

Discover the deep meaning of your teams quote.
- Who said it? Who were they and what did they do?
- What do other people think it means?
- Look deeper into the understanding of the words and create a message to pass onto other
students, teachers, family and friends.
- How are you going to collect this information?

Decide how to present this message.
- What will be the most effective media to portray your message?
- What is managable in the time given (2 weeks!)?

I will be guiding the teams through each stage in the challenge and also asking leading questions to help you on the way.

What do you think might be some challenges for this task? Tell me by clicking on 'comments' below this post (each team should make a comment).

This tasks A.I focus (Autonomy Indicator) is:
- CO-OPERATION: work with others in a positive way!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

A name for our class!

We need a name for our class! As part of 'Quiddage' this year we need to create a mini kingdom for ourselves. Go to the survey in the right hand column link and vote for a name you think is best! Look out for the job advertisments next week, also.

Week 1 Happenings!

Room 12 has been talking a lot this week about learning and how this will work in our class. Our class theme this year is about becoming an 'Autonomous Learner'. You could ask your student what they think this means. We will be building on this concept as the year progresses, beginning next week as we discover the A.I's (Autonomy Indicators) and how will use them for self reflection this year.
A 'conglomeration' of the sentences that we wrote in our Tri teams would sound something like this:
"In Room 12 we are Autonomous Learners when we make good, independent choices about our learning, stay focused, persist, use our initiative and think for ourselves."

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What happened today in History?

A website called can give us some facinating stories about the things that happened in history on any given day. You can click on the links box bottom right on our blog to have a look. We will have a regular look as part of our daily programme.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Te Tiriti O Te Ruma 12!

This is the wording of our class treaty. We brainstormed some rules and responsibilities in our Tri Teams. Ruby A, Ruby J, Andre and I put the sentences together into these three paragraphs. What do you think?