Thursday, August 28, 2008

Week 6 Happenings

Thanks to all the parents and students who came to the interviews this week. It was really great to celebrate some of the progress the children have been making! I know they enjoyed sharing the Maori artwork they have been working on.

We had a 'pyjama day' at school today to fundraise money for Daffodil day - cancer society. Here's a photo of the fun. What a bunch of 'just got out of beds!'
We were also fascinated with this sculpters work - Jennifer Maestre. She uses coloured pencils and nails to create 3D art. Have a look at her portfolio.

We are working hard at completing our talking books. It has been part of our narrative work and has combined skills of oral language, digital creation, team work, art, proofreading and managing self! Here's an example of some of the pages.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mark Treadwell Meeting

I'd like to encourage you to come to our Parent's Meeting next week with Mark Treadwell. This event is advertised in this weeks newsletter and is being held at school next Thursday, 21st August at 6.30pm.

I have had many conversations with parents about the development our schools are making towards 21st century learning and how this is affecting our classrooms. One of the obvious changes is the increasing use of computers and other technologies.

If you have ever wondered, queried, pondered or, like me, felt bemused (at times) about this- we would absolutely recommend you come to this event! Mark is VERY inspirational and exciting to listen to and very able to answer the valid questions that many parents have.

Looking forward to seeing many of you there.

Thoughts and Feelings

Our narrative writing will have more impact if we can describe the characters thoughts and feelings. Todays activity involved describing how this person was feeling and what was happening in his head.
Here are some highlights. Can you spot the similes, metaphors and 'voice' used? Ask your student what voice means - it's not so easy to explain.

Ooo, wait. He's as strong as me! Just jokes. He's as strong as a lion! Zain

I would be thinking, "I can do it! I can do it!" I would feel like I was going to get crushed like being nuder a steam roller!

I gotta get it up and get the gold, make my country proud just a bit more. I've got the gold! The crowd is staring at me like greddy magpies!

The weight on each end of the bar were elephants jumping up and down, trying to make it all the harder for me.

The sweat trickled down my back and forehead like maple syrup being pured onto pancakes.

Lokk at him! Wooowzey! I can imagine him lifting up a car or two!
Ruby J

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Olympic Reports Blog

We are working on some Olympic Reports for reading this term. Each group has to select a sport at the Olympics, research and follow it during the events and report to the class about Nz's efforts.

This link 'Rm 12's Olympic Reports' will take you to our blogsite that records our work, shows the medal tally (each student will earn Gold, Silver or Bronze medals for each task) and has links to the blogs some groups are using for their presentations.