PATENTSIt has come to the attention of the Qnited Kingdom PM that there may be some controversy surrounding, 'people copying our products!' To set this right we will be introducing a 'Patent' scheme.To apply for a patent you will need to email the PM a Patent application that includes; - a detailed description of the product(s) - a drawing (include labels) - an application paragraph that resquests an official patent within our class boundaries.Breaches of official patents will recieve a grott of S300 snidges!
I look forward to seeing your requests! (The applications will take a week to be processed and approved)We are starting our class businesses this week. It's good to see some groups ready and waiting to make some snidges so soon.
SUGAR TAX - 99% This includes all froms of artificial sweetener
MONEY TAX - 50% Includes all items sold that needed real money to make
GAMBLING TAX - 99% Qnited Kingdom strives to be gambling free
Callum, one of the bank tellers, is helping a customer make a withdrawal from the bank.

This group are selling small paper boxes and Pineapple shakers. Their shop is called, 'The Hula Girls!' Well done, Ruby A, Ruby J, Taylor and Rebecca! You have set the bar VERY high!

These are some of the items they are selling.