Monday, May 26, 2008

Basic Facts Ladder

We have recently started using the school's new Basic facts ladder as our maths homework.
I have explained how this works, with the class, and even asked for clarifying questions..... however!

I am also aware that messages get 'garbled' on the way home. (I actually believe that there is an information WOLF that eats this info between school and home - this explains where notices go!)
Below is a copy of the ladder which has a text box outlining it's process. Like a ladder, the students start at the correct step for them and move up as they progress.

Once your child has mastered a step - practise in the car, while brushing teeth (hard to understand, maybe) I will be able to quickly test them before school, during, at lunch etc. It's really fast - hopefully their progress will be too.
Click on the image to get a larger view.
Your student has this glued into their Homework books and will be excited to show you! Their starting level is highlighted.

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