We have been having some great discussions in class about our homework expectations and our views and opinions. It has also been 'enlightening' to hear some feedback from a few parents that their child seems vague or confused.
To help you bypass any confusion (whether genuine or contrived) we have created the following responsibilities of the students and me, as the teacher, for their learning at home. You can also see the photo of our list created this morning during our oral language time.
Students Responsibilities -
Basic Facts Ladder - as soon as a student has learnt their step I can test them and they can progress to the next one.
Free Choice Reading - 20 minutes a day / evening. Books read to be written into their reading log.
Self Reflection Answer - to be drafted into their Homework books and typed up onto template at school.
Personal Investigation - as BIG or small as they want it to be. This is a self interest project with their choice of presentation.
Spelling. Each student has a list (whether the rocket levels or essential list) they are learning and activities to complete.
Teacher's Responsibilities - Posting the Self reflection question on Knowledge Net (in the future this will also be written on the white board at school) and reading these on Monday.
- Allowing 2x 20minute slots for spelling setup / checking / marking each week.
- Testing basic facts ladder steps when requested
- Giving time for P.I presentation / sharing and some feedback.

I hope this is clear for you and your student. I've also added links where these processes have been explained before;
KnowledgeNet , Basic facts Ladder
Homework expectationsPlease email me any questions you might have - mherring@riverdale.school.nz
Remember - it's JUST as important to have some play as well - adults and children!
Mr Herring