Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Classroom changes!

Hi all Room 12ers.

I hope you're enjoying your last few days of holidays! It's great to see some sunny weather.

You can see in the picture below that I've been making a few changes around the classroom. Why all the desks you may ask? You could choose any of the answers below -

- We needed more desk surface space for the art we'll be doing over the next few weeks.
- We'll be working more closely as class teams this term - earn climbing points to reach the top of the mountain.
- I may have 'caved' to the mounting pressure to have your own desks?... - (with these desks come extra responsibilities!)
- A new term / new half the year deserves a change of routine and layout of the room.

You can click on the picture to make the image enlarge.
You'll also notice that the desks have been allocated some names - yours (yes, you can even keep your books and other things in them). These will be your class teams. I'll be explaining how they work when we start next week.

It also looks, in the photo, like the computers have disappeared but, no, they just out of the shot (No, Mrs Peck, I haven't sold them on Trademe).

I hope you enjoy having a little warning before you arrive next week and make sure you spend as much time outside (in the sun) as possible.

See you next week!

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